Did you know 1 in 5 girls in the U.S. have missed school because of their period? This means they are missing confidence-boosting activities they love like class time, sports and hanging out with friends simply because they do not have access to the period products they need.
We are SO excited to be named one of the @always_brand’s 50 Period Heroes in 50 states and to be a part of their initiative to help end period poverty! We’re grateful for their donation! For every pack of Always brand pads purchased at Walmart in August, Always and Walmart will donate one additional pad to a person in need.
A special thank you to our community partners for helping us reach those in the Kansas City area are in need!
Additional Resources for puberty and period education can be found at at www.pgschoolprograms.com

Did you know 1 in 5 girls in the U.S. have missed school because of their period? For every pack of Always brand pads purchased at Walmart in August, Always and Walmart will donate one additional pad to a person in need! #NoShameinKC #Always #Walmart #EndPeriodPoverty